In-Class Pastels

In Al Gury's life drawing class we focused on doing large figure drawings, with any type of drawing material we wished. I chose to work with pastel, specifically, grey scale. I was hoping that this would help me develop and control using a narrow scale of value to achieve a dreamy, atmospheric drawing. This was definately something I struggled with. In the last working week, I had finished my drawing and decided to do a small color study. I think it was my most successful piece for the class this entire semester. I wish I'd started using color sooner and done a larger drawing, but at least now I know what I'll be working on this summer...

The tan paper showing through on the bottom corner was unintentional (and also not nearly as noticible up close) but I like the effect and would like to work on controling it more.

On this one I experimented with leaving bits of the tan paper showing through. While working on it in class, I did not notice those horrible streaks of it along the was meant to focus more in the top right area, flowing into other parts, with the effect that it was almost a warm light falling onto them.

I will definately do more of these in color...



May 6, 2009 at 5:03 PM


This pastel painting is so good! Color seems to be one of your many strengths.